
Tools to read geometry data from input files and output them as Shapely geometries. These geometries can be plotted directly with GPlately's PlotTopologies object.

By default, input files are read with GeoPandas and output as a geopandas.GeoSeries object that contains Shapely geometries. If GeoPandas is not found on the system, input files are read with Shapely instead and are still returned as Shapely geometries.

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"""Tools to read geometry data from input files and output them as `Shapely` 
geometries. These geometries can be plotted directly with GPlately's 
`PlotTopologies` object.

By default, input files are read with `GeoPandas` and output as a 
`geopandas.GeoSeries` object that contains `Shapely` geometries.
If `GeoPandas` is not found on the system, input files are read with 
`Shapely` instead and are still returned as `Shapely` geometries.

from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
    import geopandas as gpd
except ImportError:
    import shapefile as shpreader

__all__ = [

def get_geometries(filename, buffer=None):
    """Read a file and return feature geometries.

    If `geopandas` is available, it will be used to read the file,
    returning a `geopandas.GeoSeries`. If `geopandas` is not found,
    only shapefiles can be read, and a list of `shapely` geometries
    will be returned instead of a `geopandas.GeoSeries`.

    filename : str
        Path to the file to be read.

    geometries : list or geopandas.GeoSeries
        `shapely` geometries that define the feature geometry held in the
        shapefile. Can be plotted directly using
        return _get_geometries_geopandas(filename, buffer=buffer)
    return _get_geometries_cartopy(filename, buffer=buffer)

def get_valid_geometries(filename):
    """Read a file and return valid feature geometries.

    If `geopandas` is available, it will be used to read the file,
    returning a `geopandas.GeoSeries`. If `geopandas` is not found,
    only shapefiles can be read, and a list of `shapely` geometries
    will be returned instead of a `geopandas.GeoSeries`.

    filename : str
        Path to the file to be read.

    geometries : list or geopandas.GeoSeries
        Valid `shapely` geometries that define the feature geometry held in the
        shapefile. Can be plotted directly using
    return get_geometries(filename, buffer=0.0)

def _get_geometries_geopandas(filename, buffer=None):
    def buffer_func(geoms, buffer=None):
        if buffer is not None:
            geoms = geoms.buffer(buffer)
        return geoms

    if isinstance(filename, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
        return buffer_func(filename.geometry, buffer)
    if isinstance(filename, gpd.GeoSeries):
        return buffer_func(filename, buffer)
    if isinstance(filename, BaseGeometry):
        return buffer_func(gpd.GeoSeries([filename]), buffer)
        for i in filename:
            if isinstance(i, BaseGeometry):
                # Iterable of geometries
                return buffer_func(gpd.GeoSeries(filename), buffer)
    except TypeError:
        # Not an iterable
        # Since strings are iterable, anything that's not an iterable
        # will probably fail at the next step anyway
    # If it gets to this line, `filename` should actually be a filename
    gdf = gpd.read_file(filename)
    return buffer_func(gdf.geometry, buffer)

def _get_geometries_cartopy(filename, buffer=None):
    def buffer_func(geoms, buffer=None):
        if buffer is None:
            return list(geoms)
        out = []
        for i in geoms:
        return out

    if isinstance(filename, BaseGeometry):
        return buffer_func([filename], buffer)
        for i in filename:
            if isinstance(i, BaseGeometry):
                return buffer_func(filename, buffer)
    except TypeError:

    with shpreader.Reader(filename) as reader:
        shape_records = reader.shapeRecords()
        shapes = [i.shape for i in shape_records]
        geoms = [shape(i.__geo_interface__) for i in shapes]
    return buffer_func(geoms, buffer)


def get_geometries(filename, buffer=None)

Read a file and return feature geometries.

If geopandas is available, it will be used to read the file, returning a geopandas.GeoSeries. If geopandas is not found, only shapefiles can be read, and a list of shapely geometries will be returned instead of a geopandas.GeoSeries.


filename : str
Path to the file to be read.


geometries : list or geopandas.GeoSeries
shapely geometries that define the feature geometry held in the shapefile. Can be plotted directly using gplately.plot.add_geometries.
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def get_geometries(filename, buffer=None):
    """Read a file and return feature geometries.

    If `geopandas` is available, it will be used to read the file,
    returning a `geopandas.GeoSeries`. If `geopandas` is not found,
    only shapefiles can be read, and a list of `shapely` geometries
    will be returned instead of a `geopandas.GeoSeries`.

    filename : str
        Path to the file to be read.

    geometries : list or geopandas.GeoSeries
        `shapely` geometries that define the feature geometry held in the
        shapefile. Can be plotted directly using
        return _get_geometries_geopandas(filename, buffer=buffer)
    return _get_geometries_cartopy(filename, buffer=buffer)
def get_valid_geometries(filename)

Read a file and return valid feature geometries.

If geopandas is available, it will be used to read the file, returning a geopandas.GeoSeries. If geopandas is not found, only shapefiles can be read, and a list of shapely geometries will be returned instead of a geopandas.GeoSeries.


filename : str
Path to the file to be read.


geometries : list or geopandas.GeoSeries
Valid shapely geometries that define the feature geometry held in the shapefile. Can be plotted directly using gplately.plot.add_geometries.
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def get_valid_geometries(filename):
    """Read a file and return valid feature geometries.

    If `geopandas` is available, it will be used to read the file,
    returning a `geopandas.GeoSeries`. If `geopandas` is not found,
    only shapefiles can be read, and a list of `shapely` geometries
    will be returned instead of a `geopandas.GeoSeries`.

    filename : str
        Path to the file to be read.

    geometries : list or geopandas.GeoSeries
        Valid `shapely` geometries that define the feature geometry held in the
        shapefile. Can be plotted directly using
    return get_geometries(filename, buffer=0.0)