8 - Predict slab flux¶
Predict the slab flux of subducting oceanic lithosphere using the thickness of the subducting plate calculated by plate models of lithospheric cooling (from Grose, 2012), the convervenge velocity, and the trench segment length.
Data packages¶
A plate reconstruction and corresponding age grids of the seafloor are required to predict slab dip. These may be downloaded from https://www.earthbyte.org/gplates-2-3-software-and-data-sets/
The calculation has been tested on Clennett et al. (2020) and Müller et al. (2019) plate reconstructions but should also work fine for other plate reconstructions.
- Grose, C. J. (2012). Properties of oceanic lithosphere: Revised plate cooling model predictions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 333–334, 250–264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2012.03.037
- Clennett, E. J., Sigloch, K., Mihalynuk, M. G., Seton, M., Henderson, M. A., Hosseini, K., et al. (2020). A Quantitative Tomotectonic Plate Reconstruction of Western North America and the Eastern Pacific Basin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(8), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GC009117
- Müller, R. D., Zahirovic, S., Williams, S. E., Cannon, J., Seton, M., Bower, D. J., et al. (2019). A Global Plate Model Including Lithospheric Deformation Along Major Rifts and Orogens Since the Triassic. Tectonics, 38(6), 1884–1907. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005462
%matplotlib inline
import gplately
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
Let's compare subduction zone data between two plate models: Müller et al. 2016 and Müller et al. 2019.
gdownload = gplately.download.DataServer("Muller2019", verbose=False)
rotation_model, topology_features, static_polygons = gdownload.get_plate_reconstruction_files()
model = gplately.PlateReconstruction(rotation_model, topology_features)
gdownload2 = gplately.download.DataServer("Muller2016", verbose=False)
rotation_model2, topology_features2, static_polygons2 = gdownload2.get_plate_reconstruction_files()
model2 = gplately.PlateReconstruction(rotation_model2, topology_features2)
# Tessellate the subduction zones to 0.5 degrees.
tessellation_threshold_radians = np.radians(0.05)
extent_globe = [-180,180,-90,90]
Get kinematic data¶
Using PlateTectonicTools
we extract plate kinematic data for the present-day configuration of subduction zones to calculate the dip angle of subducting slabs.
def get_subduction_volume_rate(gdownload_object, model, reconstruction_time):
# calculate subduction convergence with gplately
subduction_data = model.tessellate_subduction_zones(
subduction_lon = subduction_data[:,0]
subduction_lat = subduction_data[:,1]
subduction_angle = subduction_data[:,3]
subduction_norm = subduction_data[:,7]
subduction_pid_sub = subduction_data[:,8]
subduction_pid_over= subduction_data[:,9]
subduction_length = np.radians(subduction_data[:,6])*gplately.tools.geocentric_radius(subduction_data[:,1])
subduction_convergence = np.fabs(subduction_data[:,2])*1e-2 * np.cos(np.radians(subduction_data[:,3]))
subduction_migration = np.fabs(subduction_data[:,4])*1e-2 * np.cos(np.radians(subduction_data[:,5]))
subduction_plate_vel = subduction_data[:,10]
# remove entries that have "negative" subduction
# this occurs when the subduction obliquity is greater than 90 degrees
subduction_convergence = np.clip(subduction_convergence, 0, 1e99)
# sample AgeGrid for current timestep
# DataServer returns a Raster object
graster = gdownload_object.get_age_grid(reconstruction_time)
age_interp = graster.interpolate(subduction_lon, subduction_lat)
subduction_age = age_interp
thickness = gplately.tools.plate_isotherm_depth(age_interp)
# calculate subduction volume rate - m * m * m/yr
subduction_vol_rate = thickness*subduction_length*subduction_convergence # integrated along subduction len
subduction_vol_rate *= 1e-9 # convert m^3/yr to km^3/yr
mean_plate_thickness = thickness.mean()
mean_subduction_segment_length = subduction_length.sum()
mean_subduction_convergence_rate = subduction_convergence.mean()
total_subduction_volume_rate = subduction_vol_rate.sum()
return (mean_plate_thickness,
# Calculate the total subduction volume rate (km^3/yr) per timestep for each plate model
reconstruction_times = np.arange(0,231)
# Muller 2019 model
thk2019 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size) # mean plate thickness
len2019 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size) # subduction zone length
vel2019 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size) # mean convergence velocity
vol2019 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size) # subduction flux
# Muller 2016 model
thk2016 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size)
len2016 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size)
vel2016 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size)
vol2016 = np.zeros(reconstruction_times.size)
for t, time in enumerate(reconstruction_times):
thk2019[t], len2019[t], vel2019[t], vol2019[t] = get_subduction_volume_rate(gdownload, model, time)
thk2016[t], len2016[t], vel2016[t], vol2016[t] = get_subduction_volume_rate(gdownload2, model2, time)
Progress: [####################] 99.6%
Parallel processing¶
GPlately supports parallel processing to distribute tasks over multiple processors. We recommend the joblib
package to efficiently manage parallel resources. Below we demonstrate how the get_subduction_volume_rate
function we defined above can be executed over multiple processors.
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
reconstruction_times = np.arange(0, 231)
# Use Loky Backend
muller_2019_data = Parallel(n_jobs=-3, backend='loky', verbose=1)\
(delayed(get_subduction_volume_rate)(gdownload, model, time) for time in reconstruction_times)
[Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 36.9s /Users/ben/miniforge3/envs/mapping/lib/python3.9/site-packages/joblib/externals/loky/process_executor.py:702: UserWarning: A worker stopped while some jobs were given to the executor. This can be caused by a too short worker timeout or by a memory leak. warnings.warn( [Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Done 184 tasks | elapsed: 2.7min [Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Done 231 out of 231 | elapsed: 3.4min finished
# Use Loky Backend
muller_2016_data = Parallel(n_jobs=-3, backend='loky', verbose=1)\
(delayed(get_subduction_volume_rate)(gdownload2, model2, time) for time in reconstruction_times)
[Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 26.4s [Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Done 184 tasks | elapsed: 1.9min [Parallel(n_jobs=-3)]: Done 231 out of 231 | elapsed: 2.4min finished
# unpack numpy arrays
thk2016, len2016, vel2016, vol2016 = np.array(muller_2016_data).T
thk2019, len2019, vel2019, vol2019 = np.array(muller_2019_data).T
Plot slab flux¶
# Plot this data using a Gaussian filter
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6), dpi=300)
muller2016_volumes_smoothed = gaussian_filter(vol2016, sigma=1)
muller2019_volumes_smoothed = gaussian_filter(vol2019, sigma=1)
plt.plot(reconstruction_times, muller2016_volumes_smoothed,
color="k", label="Müller et al. (2016)")
plt.plot(reconstruction_times, muller2019_volumes_smoothed,
linestyle="--", alpha=0.5, color="k", label="Müller et al. (2019)")
# Plot settings
plt.title("Total subduction volume rate per Ma")
plt.xlabel('Time (Ma)')
plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), ncol=6)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x17f1977c0>