4 - Velocity Basics¶
In this notebook, we will show how to calculate and visualise plate velocity data with GPlately's Points
and PlateReconstruction
Let's import all needed packages:
import os
import tempfile
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import gplately
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
Let's first create a plate motion model using GPlately's PlateReconstruction
object. To create the object, we need to pass a rotation_model
, a set of pygplates topology_features
and a path to a static_polygons
file, which we will obtain from the Muller et al. (2019) plate model using GPlately's DataServer
# Initialise GPlately data server and download Muller et al. 2019 files
gdownload = gplately.download.DataServer("Muller2019")
rotation_model, topology_features, static_polygons = gdownload.get_plate_reconstruction_files()
# Use the PlateReconstruction object to create a plate motion model
model = gplately.PlateReconstruction(rotation_model, topology_features, static_polygons)
Checking whether the requested files need to be updated... Requested files are up-to-date!
We will need this plate model to call GPlately's PlotTopologies
object. Let's get Muller et al. (2019) coastlines
, continents
and COBs
from GPlately's DataServer
# Obtain geometries with gdownload
coastlines, continents, COBs = gdownload.get_topology_geometries()
# Call the PlotTopologies object
gplot = gplately.PlotTopologies(model, coastlines, continents, COBs)
Checking whether the requested files need to be updated... Requested files are up-to-date!
Calculating velocity data using the Points
Let's calculate plate velocity data for the Muller2019
model using plate_velocity
, a method in the Points
object. It returns the north and east components of velocities for each point that we give it.
needs the following parameters:
- the
model - 2 1d flattened meshnode arrays representing the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the velocity domain feature;
- the reconstruction time (Ma);
It returns a list of lists containing the north and east components of velocity for each point in the velocity domain feature at a given time.
# The distribution of points in the velocity domain feature: set global extent with 5 degree intervals
Xnodes = np.arange(-180,180,5)
Ynodes = np.arange(-90,90,5)
# Create a lat-lon mesh and convert to 1d lat-lon arrays
x, y = np.meshgrid(Xnodes,Ynodes)
x = x.flatten()
y = y.flatten()
# Set a reconstruction time
time = 50 #ma
# Place all defined points into the GPlately Points object
gpts = gplately.Points(model, x, y)
# Obtain plate velocities at 50 Ma
vel_x, vel_y = gpts.plate_velocity(int(time))
vel_mag = np.hypot(vel_x, vel_y)
print('Number of points in our velocity domain = ', len(vel_x))
print('Average velocity = {:.2f} cm/yr'.format(vel_mag.mean()))
Number of points in our velocity domain = 2592 Average velocity = 2.80 cm/yr
model.get_point_velocities(x, y, time)
array([[ -3.87083921, -1.89315628], [ -3.87083921, -1.89315628], [ -3.87083921, -1.89315628], ..., [-27.25261405, 20.46778238], [-29.15923534, 18.01416028], [-30.84393725, 15.4043343 ]])
Calculating average global plate velocity through time¶
Global average plate velocities (cm/yr) are obtained by averaging point velocities in gpts
and looping over a time range.
time_range = np.arange(0, 251)
vel_av = np.zeros(time_range.size)
vel_std = np.zeros(time_range.size)
for t, time in enumerate(time_range):
vel_x, vel_y = gpts.plate_velocity(float(time))
vel_mag = np.hypot(vel_x, vel_y)
# an optional setting: if there are points in the velocity domain with a large plate velocity,
# we can ignore these outliers. This should not be used when debugging plate models.
ignore_outliers = True
# Set the outlier velocity to be 50 cm/yr
outlier_velocity = 50.
if ignore_outliers is True:
vel_mag_new = [v for v in vel_mag if v < outlier_velocity]
vel_av[t] = np.mean(vel_mag_new)
vel_std[t] = np.std(vel_mag_new)
vel_av[t] = np.mean(vel_mag_new)
vel_std[t] = np.std(vel_mag)
# save to a CSV file
output_data = np.column_stack([
header = 'Time (Ma),Mean plate velocities (cm/yr),Standard deviation (cm/yr)'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4), dpi=100)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, xlim=(250,0), ylim=(0,10), xlabel='Age (Ma)', ylabel="Velocity (cm/yr)",
title='Global average plate velocity (cm/yr)')
ax1.fill_between(time_range, vel_av-vel_std, vel_av+vel_std, color='0.8', label="Standard deviation (cm/yr)")
ax1.plot(time_range, vel_av, c='k', label="Mean plate velocity (cm/yr)")
ax1.legend(loc="upper right", frameon=False)
Visualising Points
object velocity data: Scatterplot¶
We can visualise all the points on our velocity domain on a scatterplot - they will be colour mapped with their velocity magnitudes. We use matplotlib's scatter
function for the scatterplot. It needs an array of latitudes and an array of longitudes to plot point data on. These will be x and y, the coordinates of points on our velocity domain feature.
We plot the velocity domain feature points (in x
and y
) on a scatterplot below using their velocity magnitudes as a colour scale.
time = 50
# Set up a GeoAxis plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,14))
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.Mollweide(central_longitude = 0))
plt.title('Global point velocity scatterplot at %i Ma' % (time))
# Plot all topologies reconstructed to 50Ma
gplot.time = time # Ma
gplot.plot_continents(ax3, facecolor='0.95')
gplot.plot_coastlines(ax3, color='0.9')
gplot.plot_ridges_and_transforms(ax3, color='r', zorder=3)
gplot.plot_trenches(ax3, color='k', zorder=3)
gplot.plot_subduction_teeth(ax3, color='k', zorder=3)
# Plot the velocity domain points with their velocity magnitudes as a colour scale.
im = ax3.scatter(x, y, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),c=vel_mag,s=30,cmap=plt.cm.afmhot_r,vmin=0,vmax=10, zorder=2)
# Add colorbar, set global extent and show plot
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax3,shrink=0.5).set_label('Velocity magntitude (cm/yr)',fontsize=12)
If you have moviepy installed, you can animate the motion of topological plates through geological time with a scatterplot of domain point velocities (in cm/yr) overlying the plates. Let's reconstruct plate movements from 0-100Ma in intervals of 10 Ma. With each iteration of the time loop we re-calculate velocity data.
def generate_frame(time, output_dir):
# Get all point velocities and their magnitudes
vel_x, vel_y = gpts.plate_velocity(int(time))
vel_mag = np.hypot(vel_x, vel_y)
# Set up a GeoAxis plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,14))
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.Mollweide(central_longitude = 0))
plt.title('Global point velocity scatterplot at %i Ma' % (time))
# Plot all topologies reconstructed to the current Ma
gplot.time = time # Ma
gplot.plot_continents(ax3, facecolor='0.95')
gplot.plot_coastlines(ax3, color='0.9')
gplot.plot_ridges_and_transforms(ax3, color='r', zorder=3)
gplot.plot_trenches(ax3, color='k', zorder=3)
gplot.plot_subduction_teeth(ax3, color='k', zorder=3)
# Plot the velocity domain points with their velocity magnitudes as a colour scale.
im = ax3.scatter(x, y, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),c=vel_mag,s=30,cmap=plt.cm.afmhot_r,vmin=0,vmax=10,
# Add colorbar, set global extent and show plot
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax3,shrink=0.5).set_label('Velocity magntitude (cm/yr)',fontsize=12)
"plate_velocity_scatter_plot_%d_Ma.png" % time,
print('Image for {} Ma saved'.format(time))
import moviepy.editor as mpy
mpy_available = True
except ImportError:
mpy_available = False
if mpy_available:
# Time variables
oldest_seed_time = 100 # Ma
time_step = 10 # Ma
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# Create a plot for each 10 Ma interval
for time in np.arange(oldest_seed_time,0.,-time_step):
generate_frame(time, output_dir=tmpdir)
# ------- CREATE THE MOVIE --------
frame_list = []
for time in np.arange(oldest_seed_time,0.,-time_step):
"plate_velocity_scatter_plot_%d_Ma.png" % time,
clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(frame_list, fps=5)
from IPython.display import Image
print('The movie will show up in a few seconds. Please be patient...')
with open(
) as f:
display(Image(data=f.read(), format='gif', width = 2000, height = 1000))
Image for 100.0 Ma saved Image for 90.0 Ma saved Image for 80.0 Ma saved Image for 70.0 Ma saved Image for 60.0 Ma saved Image for 50.0 Ma saved Image for 40.0 Ma saved Image for 30.0 Ma saved Image for 20.0 Ma saved Image for 10.0 Ma saved MoviePy - Building file /var/folders/cw/2gdtjqwj6f9blylnp_6wxgvh0000gn/T/tmp3jh508hd/plate_velocity_scatter_plot.gif with imageio.
The movie will show up in a few seconds. Please be patient...
<IPython.core.display.Image object>
Plotting velocity vector arrow fields¶
As a first example, let's reconstruct all topological plates and boundaries to 50Ma and illustrate the velocity of each moving plate! One way to do this is by plotting a velocity vector field using the plot_plate_motion_vectors
method on the PlotTopologies
Since plot_plate_motion_vectors
uses Cartopy's quiver
function, it accepts quiver
keyword arguments like regrid_shape
. This is useful if you'd like your vectors interpolated onto a regular grid in projection space.
time = 50
# Set up a GeoAxis plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.Mollweide(central_longitude = 0))
ax1.gridlines(color='0.7',linestyle='--', xlocs=np.arange(-180,180,15), ylocs=np.arange(-90,90,15))
plt.title('Global plate motion velocity field at %i Ma' % (time))
# Plot all topologies
gplot.plot_continents(ax1, facecolor='navajowhite')
gplot.plot_coastlines(ax1, color='orange')
gplot.plot_ridges_and_transforms(ax1, color='b')
gplot.plot_trenches(ax1, color='k')
gplot.plot_subduction_teeth(ax1, color='k')
# Plot a veloctiy vector field on both maps
gplot.plot_plate_motion_vectors(ax1, regrid_shape=20, alpha=0.5, color='green', zorder=2)
<matplotlib.quiver.Quiver at 0x2af204790>
Plotting a velocity streamplot¶
We can visualise the same data with streamplot from matplotlib.
# Set up a GeoAxis plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.Mollweide(central_longitude = 0))
ax2.gridlines(color='0.7',linestyle='--', xlocs=np.arange(-180,180,15), ylocs=np.arange(-90,90,15))
plt.title('Global plate motion velocity streamplot at %i Ma' % (time))
# Plot all topologies
gplot.time = time # Ma
gplot.plot_continents(ax2, facecolor='0.95')
gplot.plot_coastlines(ax2, color='0.9')
gplot.plot_ridges_and_transforms(ax2, color='r')
gplot.plot_trenches(ax2, color='k')
gplot.plot_subduction_teeth(ax2, color='k')
vel_x, vel_y = gpts.plate_velocity(int(time))
vel_x *= 10
vel_y *= 10
vel_mag = np.hypot(vel_x, vel_y)
ax2.streamplot(gpts.lons, gpts.lats, vel_x, vel_y, color=vel_mag, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
linewidth=0.02*vel_mag, cmap=plt.cm.turbo, density=2)
<matplotlib.streamplot.StreamplotSet at 0x2acb78220>
# Set up a GeoAxis plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4))
norm = Normalize(0, 10)
for i, time in enumerate([80, 60, 40, 20]):
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,4,i+1, projection=ccrs.Orthographic(70, 0), title='{:.0f} Ma'.format(time))
ax2.gridlines(color='0.7',linestyle=':', xlocs=np.arange(-180,180,15), ylocs=np.arange(-90,90,15))
# plt.title('Global plate motion velocity streamplot at %i Ma' % (time))
# gplot.plot_grid(ax2, rgb)
# Plot topologies
gplot.time = time # Ma
gplot.plot_continents(ax2, facecolor='0.9')
gplot.plot_coastlines(ax2, color='0.7')
gplot.plot_ridges_and_transforms(ax2, color='r')
gplot.plot_misc_boundaries(ax2, color='r')
gplot.plot_trenches(ax2, color='k')
gplot.plot_subduction_teeth(ax2, color='k')
vel_x, vel_y = gpts.plate_velocity(int(time))
vel_x *= 10
vel_y *= 10
vel_mag = np.hypot(vel_x, vel_y)
sp = ax2.streamplot(gpts.lons, gpts.lats, vel_x, vel_y, color=vel_mag*0.1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
norm=norm, linewidth=0.01*vel_mag, cmap='plasma', density=1)
cax = plt.axes([0.36,0.1, 0.3, 0.04])
fig.colorbar(sp.lines, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', label='Plate velocity (cm/yr)', extend='max')
If you have moviepy installed, you can animate the motion of topological plates through geological time with a streamplot of domain point velocities (in cm/yr) overlying the plates. Let's reconstruct plate movements over 100 Ma in intervals of 10 Ma.
def generate_frame(time, output_dir):
vel_x, vel_y = gpts.plate_velocity(int(time))
vel_x *= 10
vel_y *= 10
vel_mag = np.hypot(vel_x, vel_y)
# Set up a GeoAxis plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=ccrs.Mollweide(central_longitude = 0))
ax2.gridlines(color='0.7',linestyle='--', xlocs=np.arange(-180,180,15), ylocs=np.arange(-90,90,15))
plt.title('Global plate motion velocity streamplot at %i Ma' % (time))
# Reconstruct topological plates and boundaries with PlotTopologies
gplot.time = time # Ma
gplot.plot_continents(ax2, facecolor='0.95')
gplot.plot_coastlines(ax2, color='0.9')
gplot.plot_ridges_and_transforms(ax2, color='r')
gplot.plot_trenches(ax2, color='k')
gplot.plot_subduction_teeth(ax2, color='k')
# Create the streamplot, using speed as a colormap.
ax2.streamplot(gpts.lons, gpts.lats, vel_x, vel_y, color=vel_mag, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
linewidth=0.02*vel_mag, cmap=plt.cm.turbo, density=2)
"plate_velocity_stream_plot_%d_Ma.png" % time,
print('Image for %d Ma saved' % time)
if mpy_available:
# Time variables
oldest_seed_time = 100 # Ma
time_step = 10 # Ma
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# Create a plot for each 10 Ma interval
for time in np.arange(oldest_seed_time,0.,-time_step):
generate_frame(time, output_dir=tmpdir)
frame_list = []
for time in np.arange(oldest_seed_time,0.,-time_step):
"plate_velocity_stream_plot_%d_Ma.png" % time,
clip = mpy.ImageSequenceClip(frame_list, fps=5)
print('The movie will show up in a few seconds. Please be patient...')
with open(
) as f:
display(Image(data=f.read(), format='gif', width = 3000, height = 1000))
Image for 100 Ma saved Image for 90 Ma saved Image for 80 Ma saved Image for 70 Ma saved Image for 60 Ma saved Image for 50 Ma saved Image for 40 Ma saved Image for 30 Ma saved Image for 20 Ma saved Image for 10 Ma saved MoviePy - Building file /var/folders/cw/2gdtjqwj6f9blylnp_6wxgvh0000gn/T/tmpa1hm87wn/plate_velocity_stream_plot.gif with imageio.
The movie will show up in a few seconds. Please be patient...
<IPython.core.display.Image object>