Module gplately.ptt.velocity_tools

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#     Copyright (C) 2016 The University of Sydney, Australia
#     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#     the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
#     for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#     with this program; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import pygplates
import numpy as np

def plot_velocities_uv(x,y,u,v,ax):
    '''draw the velocity vectors in a map
    Some arrows are long and some are very short. 
    To make the plot clearer, we nomalize the velocity magnitude and use color to denote the different speed.
    x,y: the domain points coordinates
    u,v: the u and v component of the velocities
    ax: the matplotlib axes object
    A colour bar object
    import as ccrs
    u = np.array(u)
    v = np.array(v)
    mag = np.sqrt(u*u+v*v)
    mag[mag==0] = 1 #to avoid 0 divisor
    u = u/mag
    v = v/mag
    cb = ax.quiver(x, y, u, v, mag,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),cmap='jet',zorder=100)    
    return cb

def plot_velocities(x,y,velocities,ax):  
    '''draw the velocity vectors in a map
    Some arrows are long and some are very short. 
    To make the plot clearer, we nomalize the velocity magnitude and use color to denote the different speed.
    x,y: the domain points coordinates
    velocities: the velocity data
    ax: the matplotlib axes object
    A colour bar object
    x_,y_,u,v = get_x_y_u_v(x, y, velocities)
    return plot_velocities_uv(x_,y_,u,v,ax)

# function to make a velocity mesh nodes at an arbitrary set of points defined in Lat
# Long and Lat are assumed to be 1d arrays. 
def make_GPML_velocity_feature(Long,Lat):
    # Add points to a multipoint geometry
    multi_point = pygplates.MultiPointOnSphere([(float(lat),float(lon)) for lat, lon in zip(Lat,Long)])

    # Create a feature containing the multipoint feature, and defined as MeshNode type
    meshnode_feature = pygplates.Feature(pygplates.FeatureType.create_from_qualified_string('gpml:MeshNode'))
    meshnode_feature.set_name('Velocity Mesh Nodes from pygplates')

    output_feature_collection = pygplates.FeatureCollection(meshnode_feature)
    # NB: at this point, the feature could be written to a file using
    # output_feature_collection.write('myfilename.gpmlz')
    # for use within the notebook, the velocity domain feature is returned from the function
    return output_feature_collection

# function to get velocites via pygplates  
def get_plate_velocities(velocity_domain_features, topology_features, 
                         rotation_model, time, delta_time, rep='vector_comp'):
    # All domain points and associated (magnitude, azimuth, inclination) velocities for the current time.
    all_domain_points = []
    all_velocities = []

    # Partition our velocity domain features into our topological plate polygons at the current 'time'.
    plate_partitioner = pygplates.PlatePartitioner(topology_features, rotation_model, time)
    for velocity_domain_feature in velocity_domain_features:
        # A velocity domain feature usually has a single geometry but we'll assume it can be any number.
        # Iterate over them all.
        for velocity_domain_geometry in velocity_domain_feature.get_geometries():
            for velocity_domain_point in velocity_domain_geometry.get_points():
                partitioning_plate = plate_partitioner.partition_point(velocity_domain_point)
                if partitioning_plate:
                    # We need the newly assigned plate ID to get the equivalent stage rotation of that tectonic plate.
                    partitioning_plate_id = partitioning_plate.get_feature().get_reconstruction_plate_id()
                    # Get the stage rotation of partitioning plate from 'time + delta_time' to 'time'.
                    equivalent_stage_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(time, partitioning_plate_id, time + delta_time)

                    # Calculate velocity at the velocity domain point.
                    # This is from 'time + delta_time' to 'time' on the partitioning plate.
                    velocity_vectors = pygplates.calculate_velocities(
                    if rep=='mag_azim':
                        # Convert global 3D velocity vectors to local (magnitude, azimuth, inclination) tuples (one tuple per point).
                        velocities = pygplates.LocalCartesian.convert_from_geocentric_to_magnitude_azimuth_inclination(

                    elif rep=='vector_comp':
                        # Convert global 3D velocity vectors to local (magnitude, azimuth, inclination) tuples (one tuple per point).
                        velocities = pygplates.LocalCartesian.convert_from_geocentric_to_north_east_down(
    return all_velocities

def get_velocities(time,rotation_model,topology_filenames, delta_time = 5., Xnodes=[], Ynodes=[]):
    '''get velocity data
    time: the reconstruction time
    rotation_model: the rotation model
    topology_filenames: the topology files
    delta_time: the time increment
    Xnodes, Ynodes: the coordinates of domain points
    the coordinates of domain points and velocity data
    if len(Xnodes)==0 or len(Ynodes)==0:
        Xnodes = np.arange(-180,180,10)
        Ynodes = np.arange(-90,90,10)
    Xg,Yg = np.meshgrid(Xnodes,Ynodes)
    Xg = Xg.flatten()
    Yg = Yg.flatten()
    velocity_domain_features = make_GPML_velocity_feature(Xg,Yg)

    # Load the topological plate polygon features.
    topology_features = []
    for fname in topology_filenames:
        for f in pygplates.FeatureCollection(fname):

    # Call the function we created above to get the velocities
    return Xnodes, Ynodes, get_plate_velocities(velocity_domain_features,

def get_x_y_u_v(Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities):
    '''get velocity u,v components from velocity data
    all_velocities: the velocity data
    Xnodes, Ynodes: the coordinates of domain points
    the coordinates of domain points and velocity u, v components
    for vel in all_velocities:
        if not hasattr(vel, 'get_y'): 
    u = np.asarray([uu]).reshape((Ynodes.shape[0],Xnodes.shape[0]))
    v = np.asarray([vv]).reshape((Ynodes.shape[0],Xnodes.shape[0]))

    return Xnodes, Ynodes, u, v

def get_velocity_x_y_u_v(time,rotation_model,topology_filenames, delta_time = 5., Xnodes=[], Ynodes=[]):
    '''get velocity data in x ,y, u, v form
    time: the reconstruction time
    rotation_model: the rotation model
    topology_filenames: the topology files
    delta_time: the time increment
    Xnodes, Ynodes: the coordinates of domain points
    the coordinates of domain points and velocity u, v components
    Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities = get_velocities(time,rotation_model,topology_filenames,
                                                    delta_time = 5., Xnodes=Xnodes, Ynodes=Ynodes)
    return get_x_y_u_v(Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities)


def get_plate_velocities(velocity_domain_features, topology_features, rotation_model, time, delta_time, rep='vector_comp')
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def get_plate_velocities(velocity_domain_features, topology_features, 
                         rotation_model, time, delta_time, rep='vector_comp'):
    # All domain points and associated (magnitude, azimuth, inclination) velocities for the current time.
    all_domain_points = []
    all_velocities = []

    # Partition our velocity domain features into our topological plate polygons at the current 'time'.
    plate_partitioner = pygplates.PlatePartitioner(topology_features, rotation_model, time)
    for velocity_domain_feature in velocity_domain_features:
        # A velocity domain feature usually has a single geometry but we'll assume it can be any number.
        # Iterate over them all.
        for velocity_domain_geometry in velocity_domain_feature.get_geometries():
            for velocity_domain_point in velocity_domain_geometry.get_points():
                partitioning_plate = plate_partitioner.partition_point(velocity_domain_point)
                if partitioning_plate:
                    # We need the newly assigned plate ID to get the equivalent stage rotation of that tectonic plate.
                    partitioning_plate_id = partitioning_plate.get_feature().get_reconstruction_plate_id()
                    # Get the stage rotation of partitioning plate from 'time + delta_time' to 'time'.
                    equivalent_stage_rotation = rotation_model.get_rotation(time, partitioning_plate_id, time + delta_time)

                    # Calculate velocity at the velocity domain point.
                    # This is from 'time + delta_time' to 'time' on the partitioning plate.
                    velocity_vectors = pygplates.calculate_velocities(
                    if rep=='mag_azim':
                        # Convert global 3D velocity vectors to local (magnitude, azimuth, inclination) tuples (one tuple per point).
                        velocities = pygplates.LocalCartesian.convert_from_geocentric_to_magnitude_azimuth_inclination(

                    elif rep=='vector_comp':
                        # Convert global 3D velocity vectors to local (magnitude, azimuth, inclination) tuples (one tuple per point).
                        velocities = pygplates.LocalCartesian.convert_from_geocentric_to_north_east_down(
    return all_velocities
def get_velocities(time, rotation_model, topology_filenames, delta_time=5.0, Xnodes=[], Ynodes=[])

get velocity data


time : the reconstruction time
rotation_model : the rotation model
topology_filenames : the topology files
delta_time : the time increment
Xnodes, Ynodes : the coordinates of domain points


the coordinates of domain points and velocity data
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def get_velocities(time,rotation_model,topology_filenames, delta_time = 5., Xnodes=[], Ynodes=[]):
    '''get velocity data
    time: the reconstruction time
    rotation_model: the rotation model
    topology_filenames: the topology files
    delta_time: the time increment
    Xnodes, Ynodes: the coordinates of domain points
    the coordinates of domain points and velocity data
    if len(Xnodes)==0 or len(Ynodes)==0:
        Xnodes = np.arange(-180,180,10)
        Ynodes = np.arange(-90,90,10)
    Xg,Yg = np.meshgrid(Xnodes,Ynodes)
    Xg = Xg.flatten()
    Yg = Yg.flatten()
    velocity_domain_features = make_GPML_velocity_feature(Xg,Yg)

    # Load the topological plate polygon features.
    topology_features = []
    for fname in topology_filenames:
        for f in pygplates.FeatureCollection(fname):

    # Call the function we created above to get the velocities
    return Xnodes, Ynodes, get_plate_velocities(velocity_domain_features,
def get_velocity_x_y_u_v(time, rotation_model, topology_filenames, delta_time=5.0, Xnodes=[], Ynodes=[])

get velocity data in x ,y, u, v form


time : the reconstruction time
rotation_model : the rotation model
topology_filenames : the topology files
delta_time : the time increment
Xnodes, Ynodes : the coordinates of domain points


the coordinates of domain points and velocity u, v components
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def get_velocity_x_y_u_v(time,rotation_model,topology_filenames, delta_time = 5., Xnodes=[], Ynodes=[]):
    '''get velocity data in x ,y, u, v form
    time: the reconstruction time
    rotation_model: the rotation model
    topology_filenames: the topology files
    delta_time: the time increment
    Xnodes, Ynodes: the coordinates of domain points
    the coordinates of domain points and velocity u, v components
    Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities = get_velocities(time,rotation_model,topology_filenames,
                                                    delta_time = 5., Xnodes=Xnodes, Ynodes=Ynodes)
    return get_x_y_u_v(Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities)
def get_x_y_u_v(Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities)

get velocity u,v components from velocity data


all_velocities : the velocity data
Xnodes, Ynodes : the coordinates of domain points


the coordinates of domain points and velocity u, v components
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def get_x_y_u_v(Xnodes, Ynodes, all_velocities):
    '''get velocity u,v components from velocity data
    all_velocities: the velocity data
    Xnodes, Ynodes: the coordinates of domain points
    the coordinates of domain points and velocity u, v components
    for vel in all_velocities:
        if not hasattr(vel, 'get_y'): 
    u = np.asarray([uu]).reshape((Ynodes.shape[0],Xnodes.shape[0]))
    v = np.asarray([vv]).reshape((Ynodes.shape[0],Xnodes.shape[0]))

    return Xnodes, Ynodes, u, v
def make_GPML_velocity_feature(Long, Lat)
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def make_GPML_velocity_feature(Long,Lat):
    # Add points to a multipoint geometry
    multi_point = pygplates.MultiPointOnSphere([(float(lat),float(lon)) for lat, lon in zip(Lat,Long)])

    # Create a feature containing the multipoint feature, and defined as MeshNode type
    meshnode_feature = pygplates.Feature(pygplates.FeatureType.create_from_qualified_string('gpml:MeshNode'))
    meshnode_feature.set_name('Velocity Mesh Nodes from pygplates')

    output_feature_collection = pygplates.FeatureCollection(meshnode_feature)
    # NB: at this point, the feature could be written to a file using
    # output_feature_collection.write('myfilename.gpmlz')
    # for use within the notebook, the velocity domain feature is returned from the function
    return output_feature_collection
def plot_velocities(x, y, velocities, ax)

draw the velocity vectors in a map Some arrows are long and some are very short. To make the plot clearer, we nomalize the velocity magnitude and use color to denote the different speed.


x,y: the domain points coordinates
velocities : the velocity data
ax : the matplotlib axes object


A colour bar object
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def plot_velocities(x,y,velocities,ax):  
    '''draw the velocity vectors in a map
    Some arrows are long and some are very short. 
    To make the plot clearer, we nomalize the velocity magnitude and use color to denote the different speed.
    x,y: the domain points coordinates
    velocities: the velocity data
    ax: the matplotlib axes object
    A colour bar object
    x_,y_,u,v = get_x_y_u_v(x, y, velocities)
    return plot_velocities_uv(x_,y_,u,v,ax)
def plot_velocities_uv(x, y, u, v, ax)

draw the velocity vectors in a map Some arrows are long and some are very short. To make the plot clearer, we nomalize the velocity magnitude and use color to denote the different speed.


x,y: the domain points coordinates
u,v: the u and v component of the velocities
ax : the matplotlib axes object


A colour bar object
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def plot_velocities_uv(x,y,u,v,ax):
    '''draw the velocity vectors in a map
    Some arrows are long and some are very short. 
    To make the plot clearer, we nomalize the velocity magnitude and use color to denote the different speed.
    x,y: the domain points coordinates
    u,v: the u and v component of the velocities
    ax: the matplotlib axes object
    A colour bar object
    import as ccrs
    u = np.array(u)
    v = np.array(v)
    mag = np.sqrt(u*u+v*v)
    mag[mag==0] = 1 #to avoid 0 divisor
    u = u/mag
    v = v/mag
    cb = ax.quiver(x, y, u, v, mag,transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),cmap='jet',zorder=100)    
    return cb