Module gplately.gpml

Tools for manipulating GPML (.gpml, .gpmlz) files and pygplates.Feature and pygplates.FeatureCollection objects.

The following functions are defined here:

- create_feature_dict
- extract_feature
- get_topological_references
- is_topological
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r"""Tools for manipulating GPML (`.gpml`, `.gpmlz`) files and
`pygplates.Feature` and `pygplates.FeatureCollection` objects.

The following functions are defined here:

    - create_feature_dict
    - extract_feature
    - get_topological_references
    - is_topological

import os

import pygplates
from .pygplates import FeatureCollection as _FeatureCollection
from .pygplates import _is_string

__all__ = [

def extract_feature(id, features):
    r"""Return the feature with the given feature ID.

    Searches through `features` and returns the feature with a feature ID
    matching `id`. The order of `features` is not preserved, so multiple
    features sharing the same feature ID should be avoided.

    id : pygplates.FeatureId or str
        The feature ID (or string representation) to search for.
    features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
        `features` may be a single `pygplates.Feature`, a
        `pygplates.FeatureCollection`, a `str` filename,
        or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.

    pygplates.Feature or None
        The matching feature if found, otherwise None.

        If `id` is not one of {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`},
        or if `features` is of an invalid type.
    OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
        If `features` points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
    features = _parse_features_function_arguments(features)

    if isinstance(id, pygplates.FeatureId):
        id_type = "fid"
    elif isinstance(id, str):
        id_type = "str"
        raise TypeError("Invalid feature ID: `{}`".format(id))

    for feature in features:
        feature_id = feature.get_feature_id()
        if id_type == "fid":
            cond = id == feature_id
            cond = id == feature_id.get_string()
        if cond:
            return feature

    # If the requested feature is not found, either return None
    # or maybe raise a ValueError like list.index() does
    # e.g. [1, 2, 3].index(4)
    # raise ValueError("Feature ID `{}` is not in `features`".format(id))
    return None

def create_feature_dict(features, id_type=pygplates.FeatureId):
    r"""Create a dictionary mapping feature IDs to features.

    Feature IDs can be either `str` or `pygplates.FeatureId`,
    according to `id_type`.

    features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
        `features` may be a single `pygplates.Feature`, a
        `pygplates.FeatureCollection`, a `str` filename,
        or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.
    id_type : {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`}, optional
        By default, dictionary keys will be of type `pygplates.FeatureId`;
        pass `id_type=str` to use string representations instead.

        Dictionary for looking up features by their feature ID.
        N.B. the result will be an empty dictonary  if `features` is empty.

        If `id_type` is not one of {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`},
        or if `features` is of an invalid type.
    OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
        If `features` points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
    if id_type not in {str, pygplates.FeatureId}:
        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid `key_type` value: `"
            + str(id_type)
            + "` (must be one of `pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`)"

    features = _parse_features_function_arguments(features)
    if id_type is str:
        return {i.get_feature_id().get_string(): i for i in features}
        return {i.get_feature_id(): i for i in features}

def get_topological_references(features, id_type=pygplates.FeatureId):
    r"""Create a dictionary mapping topological feature IDs to
    referenced features.

    The resulting dictionary maps each topological
    `pygplates.FeatureId` in `features` to the set of
    `pygplates.FeatureId` referenced by its topological
    geometry or geometries.

    features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
        `features` may be a single `pygplates.Feature`, a
        `pygplates.FeatureCollection`, a `str` filename,
        or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.
    id_type : {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`}, optional
        By default, feature IDs will be of type `pygplates.FeatureId`;
        pass `id_type=str` to use string representations instead.

        N.B. Dictionary keys include all topological features in `features`,
        and only topological features.

        If `id_type` is not one of {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`},
        or if `features` is of an invalid type.
    OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
        If `features` points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
    features = _parse_features_function_arguments(features)
    features_dict = create_feature_dict(features)
    results = {}
    for feature in features:
        if not is_topological(feature):
        references = _get_topological_references(feature, features_dict)
        if len(references) == 0:
        id = feature.get_feature_id()
        if id_type is str:
            id = id.get_string()
            references = set(i.get_string() for i in references)
        results[id] = references
    return results

def is_topological(feature):
    r"""Determine whether a feature contains a topological geometry.

    feature : pygplates.Feature

        True if `feature` contains a topological geometry, else False.

        If `feature` is a type other than `pygplates.Feature`
        (more precisely, if its type does not implement
        return len(feature.get_all_topological_geometries()) > 0
    except AttributeError as e:
        raise TypeError(
            "`is_topological` not implemented for `{}`".format(type(feature))
        ) from e

def _get_topological_references(feature, features_dict):
    if not isinstance(feature, pygplates.Feature):
        raise TypeError("Invalid feature type: `{}`".format(type(feature)))
    topologies = feature.get_all_topological_geometries()
    referenced_ids = set()
    for topology in topologies:
        if isinstance(topology, pygplates.GpmlTopologicalLine):
            sections = topology.get_sections()
            sections = topology.get_boundary_sections()
        for section in sections:
            feature_id = section.get_property_delegate().get_feature_id()
    referenced_features = set()
    for id in referenced_ids:
        if id in features_dict:
    for referenced_feature in referenced_features:
        referenced_ids = referenced_ids.union(
            _get_topological_references(referenced_feature, features_dict)
    return referenced_ids

def _parse_features_function_arguments(features):
    r"""Load features using `pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument`.

    This function also tries to translate some of the exceptions
    raised by `pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument` into regular
    Python exceptions.
        features = pygplates.FeatureCollection(
    except pygplates.FileFormatNotSupportedError as e:
        print("Invalid filename: `{}`".format(features))
        if not os.path.exists(features):
            raise FileNotFoundError("File does not exist") from e
        if os.path.isdir(features):
            raise IsADirectoryError("File is a directory") from e
        raise OSError("Unrecognised file format") from e
    except pygplates.OpenFileForReadingError as e:
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            "Could not find input file(s): `{}`".format(features)
        ) from e
    except Exception as e:
        if str(type(e)) == "<class 'Boost.Python.ArgumentError'>":
            # This is the easiest way of catching Boost.Python.ArgumentError,
            # since it cannot be directly imported into Python
            raise TypeError(
                "Invalid argument type: `{}`".format(type(features))
            ) from e
            raise e
    return features

def _load_FeatureCollection(geometry):
    if isinstance(geometry, _FeatureCollection):
        return geometry
    elif isinstance(geometry, pygplates.FeatureCollection):
        geometry.filenames = []
        return geometry
    elif _is_string(geometry) and type(geometry) is list:
        fc = _FeatureCollection()
        for geom in geometry:
            fc.add( _FeatureCollection(geom) )
        return fc
    elif _is_string(geometry):
        return _FeatureCollection(geometry)
    elif geometry is None:
        return None
        raise ValueError("geometry is an invalid type", type(geometry))


def create_feature_dict(features, id_type=pygplates.FeatureId)

Create a dictionary mapping feature IDs to features.

Feature IDs can be either str or pygplates.FeatureId, according to id_type.


features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
features may be a single pygplates.Feature, a pygplates.FeatureCollection, a str filename, or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.
id_type : {pygplates.FeatureId, str}, optional
By default, dictionary keys will be of type pygplates.FeatureId; pass id_type=str to use string representations instead.


Dictionary for looking up features by their feature ID. N.B. the result will be an empty dictonary if features is empty.


If id_type is not one of {pygplates.FeatureId, str}, or if features is of an invalid type.
OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
If features points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
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def create_feature_dict(features, id_type=pygplates.FeatureId):
    r"""Create a dictionary mapping feature IDs to features.

    Feature IDs can be either `str` or `pygplates.FeatureId`,
    according to `id_type`.

    features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
        `features` may be a single `pygplates.Feature`, a
        `pygplates.FeatureCollection`, a `str` filename,
        or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.
    id_type : {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`}, optional
        By default, dictionary keys will be of type `pygplates.FeatureId`;
        pass `id_type=str` to use string representations instead.

        Dictionary for looking up features by their feature ID.
        N.B. the result will be an empty dictonary  if `features` is empty.

        If `id_type` is not one of {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`},
        or if `features` is of an invalid type.
    OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
        If `features` points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
    if id_type not in {str, pygplates.FeatureId}:
        raise TypeError(
            "Invalid `key_type` value: `"
            + str(id_type)
            + "` (must be one of `pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`)"

    features = _parse_features_function_arguments(features)
    if id_type is str:
        return {i.get_feature_id().get_string(): i for i in features}
        return {i.get_feature_id(): i for i in features}
def extract_feature(id, features)

Return the feature with the given feature ID.

Searches through features and returns the feature with a feature ID matching id. The order of features is not preserved, so multiple features sharing the same feature ID should be avoided.


id : pygplates.FeatureId or str
The feature ID (or string representation) to search for.
features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
features may be a single pygplates.Feature, a pygplates.FeatureCollection, a str filename, or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.


pygplates.Feature or None
The matching feature if found, otherwise None.


If id is not one of {pygplates.FeatureId, str}, or if features is of an invalid type.
OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
If features points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
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def extract_feature(id, features):
    r"""Return the feature with the given feature ID.

    Searches through `features` and returns the feature with a feature ID
    matching `id`. The order of `features` is not preserved, so multiple
    features sharing the same feature ID should be avoided.

    id : pygplates.FeatureId or str
        The feature ID (or string representation) to search for.
    features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
        `features` may be a single `pygplates.Feature`, a
        `pygplates.FeatureCollection`, a `str` filename,
        or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.

    pygplates.Feature or None
        The matching feature if found, otherwise None.

        If `id` is not one of {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`},
        or if `features` is of an invalid type.
    OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
        If `features` points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
    features = _parse_features_function_arguments(features)

    if isinstance(id, pygplates.FeatureId):
        id_type = "fid"
    elif isinstance(id, str):
        id_type = "str"
        raise TypeError("Invalid feature ID: `{}`".format(id))

    for feature in features:
        feature_id = feature.get_feature_id()
        if id_type == "fid":
            cond = id == feature_id
            cond = id == feature_id.get_string()
        if cond:
            return feature

    # If the requested feature is not found, either return None
    # or maybe raise a ValueError like list.index() does
    # e.g. [1, 2, 3].index(4)
    # raise ValueError("Feature ID `{}` is not in `features`".format(id))
    return None
def get_topological_references(features, id_type=pygplates.FeatureId)

Create a dictionary mapping topological feature IDs to referenced features.

The resulting dictionary maps each topological pygplates.FeatureId in features to the set of pygplates.FeatureId referenced by its topological geometry or geometries.


features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
features may be a single pygplates.Feature, a pygplates.FeatureCollection, a str filename, or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.
id_type : {pygplates.FeatureId, str}, optional
By default, feature IDs will be of type pygplates.FeatureId; pass id_type=str to use string representations instead.


N.B. Dictionary keys include all topological features in features, and only topological features.


If id_type is not one of {pygplates.FeatureId, str}, or if features is of an invalid type.
OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
If features points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
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def get_topological_references(features, id_type=pygplates.FeatureId):
    r"""Create a dictionary mapping topological feature IDs to
    referenced features.

    The resulting dictionary maps each topological
    `pygplates.FeatureId` in `features` to the set of
    `pygplates.FeatureId` referenced by its topological
    geometry or geometries.

    features : valid argument for pygplates.FeaturesFunctionArgument
        `features` may be a single `pygplates.Feature`, a
        `pygplates.FeatureCollection`, a `str` filename,
        or a (potentially nested) sequence of any combination of the above.
    id_type : {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`}, optional
        By default, feature IDs will be of type `pygplates.FeatureId`;
        pass `id_type=str` to use string representations instead.

        N.B. Dictionary keys include all topological features in `features`,
        and only topological features.

        If `id_type` is not one of {`pygplates.FeatureId`, `str`},
        or if `features` is of an invalid type.
    OSError (including FileNotFoundError, IsADirectoryError)
        If `features` points to a non-existent or unrecognised file.
    features = _parse_features_function_arguments(features)
    features_dict = create_feature_dict(features)
    results = {}
    for feature in features:
        if not is_topological(feature):
        references = _get_topological_references(feature, features_dict)
        if len(references) == 0:
        id = feature.get_feature_id()
        if id_type is str:
            id = id.get_string()
            references = set(i.get_string() for i in references)
        results[id] = references
    return results
def is_topological(feature)

Determine whether a feature contains a topological geometry.


feature : pygplates.Feature


True if feature contains a topological geometry, else False.


If feature is a type other than pygplates.Feature (more precisely, if its type does not implement get_all_topological_geometries).
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def is_topological(feature):
    r"""Determine whether a feature contains a topological geometry.

    feature : pygplates.Feature

        True if `feature` contains a topological geometry, else False.

        If `feature` is a type other than `pygplates.Feature`
        (more precisely, if its type does not implement
        return len(feature.get_all_topological_geometries()) > 0
    except AttributeError as e:
        raise TypeError(
            "`is_topological` not implemented for `{}`".format(type(feature))
        ) from e