Module gplately.ptt.resolve_topologies


def find_total_boundary_length_in_kms(ridge_transform_boundary_section_features, ridge_boundary_section_features, transform_boundary_section_features, subduction_boundary_section_features, left_subduction_boundary_section_features, right_subduction_boundary_section_features, other_boundary_section_features)

Find the total length (in kms) of resolved topology boundary sections (in the various categories).

def resolve_topological_snapshot(topological_snapshot: pygplates.pygplates.TopologicalSnapshot, output_filename_prefix, output_filename_extension, transform_segment_deviation_in_radians=1.2217304763960306, resolve_topology_types: int = 6)

From the specified topological snapshot, saves (to separate files) the resolved topologies, and their boundary sections as subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform) and others (not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges).


topological_snapshot : pygplates.TopologicalSnapshot
Topology snapshot containing the resolved topologies at a particular reconstruction time.
transform_segment_deviation_in_radians : number
How much a mid-ocean ridge segment can deviate from the stage pole before it's considered a transform segment (in radians).

resolve_topology_types: A bitwise combination of any of pygplates.ResolveTopologyType.boundary or Defaults to both boundaries and networks.

Writes output files containing the following features…

  • resolved topology features (topological plates and networks)
  • ridge and transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • ridge boundary sections (resolved features)
  • transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • left subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • right subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • other boundary sections (resolved features) that are not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform)


This is similar to resolve_topologies_into_features() but is more efficient if you already have a topological snapshot because it avoids resolving topologies again (the topological snapshot already contains resolved topologies for a particular reconstruction time).

See Also


def resolve_topological_snapshot_into_features(topological_snapshot: pygplates.pygplates.TopologicalSnapshot, transform_segment_deviation_in_radians=1.2217304763960306, resolve_topology_types: int = 6)

From the specified topological snapshot, returns resolved topologies and their boundary sections as subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform) and others (not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges).


topological_snapshot : pygplates.TopologicalSnapshot
Topology snapshot containing the resolved topologies at a particular reconstruction time.
transform_segment_deviation_in_radians : number
How much a mid-ocean ridge segment can deviate from the stage pole before it's considered a transform segment (in radians).

resolve_topology_types: A bitwise combination of any of pygplates.ResolveTopologyType.boundary or Defaults to both boundaries and networks.

Returns a tuple containing the following lists…

  • resolved topology features (topological plates and networks)
  • ridge and transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • ridge boundary sections (resolved features)
  • transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • left subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • right subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • other boundary sections (resolved features) that are not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform)


This is similar to resolve_topologies_into_features() but is more efficient if you already have a topological snapshot because it avoids resolving topologies again (the topological snapshot already contains resolved topologies for a particular reconstruction time).

See Also


def resolve_topologies(rotation_features_or_model, topology_features, time, output_filename_prefix, output_filename_extension, transform_segment_deviation_in_radians=1.2217304763960306, anchor_plate_id=None, resolve_topology_types: int = 6)

Resolves topologies at specified time and saves (to separate files) the resolved topologies, and their boundary sections as subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform) and others (not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges).


Rotation model or feature collection(s), or list of features, or filename(s). rotation features or model
Topology feature collection(s), or list of features, or filename(s) or any combination of those.
time : number
Reconstruction time to resolve topologies.
transform_segment_deviation_in_radians : number
How much a mid-ocean ridge segment can deviate from the stage pole before it's considered a transform segment (in radians).
anchor_plate_id : int, optional
Anchor plate ID. If not specified then defaults to 0 if using rotation features, or the default anchor plate of the rotation model if using one.

resolve_topology_types: A bitwise combination of any of pygplates.ResolveTopologyType.boundary or Defaults to both boundaries and networks.

Writes output files containing the following features…

  • resolved topology features (topological plates and networks)
  • ridge and transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • ridge boundary sections (resolved features)
  • transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • left subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • right subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • other boundary sections (resolved features) that are not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform)

See Also


def resolve_topologies_into_features(rotation_features_or_model, topology_features, time, transform_segment_deviation_in_radians=1.2217304763960306, anchor_plate_id=None, resolve_topology_types: int = 6)

Resolves topologies at specified time and returns resolved topologies and their boundary sections as subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform) and others (not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges).


Rotation model or feature collection(s), or list of features, or filename(s).
Topology feature collection(s), or list of features, or filename(s) or any combination of those.
time : number
Reconstruction time to resolve topologies.
transform_segment_deviation_in_radians : number
How much a mid-ocean ridge segment can deviate from the stage pole before it's considered a transform segment (in radians).
anchor_plate_id : int, optional
Anchor plate ID. If not specified then defaults to 0 if using rotation features, or the default anchor plate of the rotation model if using one.

resolve_topology_types: A bitwise combination of any of pygplates.ResolveTopologyType.boundary or Defaults to both boundaries and networks.

Returns a tuple containing the following lists…

  • resolved topology features (topological plates and networks)
  • ridge and transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • ridge boundary sections (resolved features)
  • transform boundary sections (resolved features)
  • subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • left subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • right subduction boundary sections (resolved features)
  • other boundary sections (resolved features) that are not subduction zones or mid-ocean ridges (ridge/transform)

See Also
