Module gplately.ptt.remove_plate_rotations
Remove one or more plate IDs from a rotation model (consisting of one or more rotation files).
def remove_plates(rotation_feature_collections, plate_ids, accuracy_parameters=None)
Remove one or more plate IDs from a rotation model (consisting of one or more rotation feature collections).
Any rotations with a fixed plate referencing one of the removed plates will be adjusted such that the rotation model effectively remains unchanged.
Optional accuracy threshold parameters can be specified to ensure the rotation model after removing plate rotations is very similar to the rotation model before removal.
The results are returned as a list of pygplates.FeatureCollection (one per input rotation feature collection).
Ensure you specify all input rotation feature collections that contain the plate IDs to be removed (either as a moving or fixed plate ID).
- A sequence of rotation feature collections. Each collection in the sequence can be a rotation filename, or a sequence (eg, list of tuple) or features, or a feature collection, or even a single feature.
- Plate IDs to remove from rotation model.
of(float, float, bool)
, optional- First parameter is the threshold rotation accuracy (in degrees), the second parameter is the threshold time interval and the third parameter is True if insert poles should have times that are integer multiples of the threshold time interval. The first parameter is used to compare the latitude, longitude and angle of two rotations before and after removing a plate rotation. If any of those three parameters differ by more than the rotation accuracy (in degrees) then samples at times mid-way between samples are inserted to ensure before/after accuracy of rotations. This mid-way adaptive bisection is repeated (when there is inaccuracy) until the interval between samples becomes smaller than the second parameter (threshold time interval). Rotation threshold is in degrees and threshold time interval is in millions of years.
- The (potentially) modified feature collections.
Returned list is same length as