Module gplately.parallel
This sub-module contains tools for efficiently executing routines by parallelizing them across multiple threads, utilizing multiple processing units."
class Parallel (nprocs=1)
A class that uses multiple processors with
to execute routines in parallel over several threads.Parameters
, default=1
- The number of separate executions of a process. By default, a single thread is run.
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class Parallel(object): """A class that uses multiple processors with `multiprocessing` to execute routines in parallel over several threads. Parameters ----------- nprocs : int, default=1 The number of separate executions of a process. By default, a single thread is run. """ def __init__(self, nprocs=1): self.nprocs = nprocs def parallelise_routine(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """Execute a routine over multiple threads on different processors, ultimately reducing computation time. `parallelise_routine` permits one item through the process queue when an executed item is extracted with get(). Parameters ---------- self.nprocs : int, default=1 The number of separate executions of a process. By default, a single thread is run. function : method from an instance of an object The process to be executed in parallel. Should be supplied as module.class.method (if belonging to a class) or module.method. *args : tuple Contains all necessary input parameters for the ‘function’. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments for the ‘function’. """ if self.nprocs == 1: # single thread result = function(*args, **kwargs) return result elif self.nprocs > 1: # more than one processor - game on results = [[] for i in range(n)] processes = [] q_in = Queue(1) q_out = Queue() for i in range(self.nprocs): pass_args = [function] pass_args.extend(args) p = Process( target=self._func_queue, args=tuple(pass_args), kwargs=kwargs ) processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.daemon = True p.start() # put items in the queue sent = [q_in.put((i,)) for i in range(n)] [q_in.put((None,)) for _ in range(nprocs)] # get the results results = [] for i in range(len(sent)): index, result = q_out.get() results[index] = result # wait until each processor has finished [p.join() for p in processes] return results def _func_queue(self, function, q_in, q_out, *args, **kwargs): while True: pos, input_args = q_in.get() if pos is None: break res = function(*input_args, **kwargs) q_out.put((pos, res)) return
def parallelise_routine(self, function, *args, **kwargs)
Execute a routine over multiple threads on different processors, ultimately reducing computation time.
permits one item through the process queue when an executed item is extracted with get().Parameters
self.nprocs : int, default=1 The number of separate executions of a process. By default, a single thread is run.
:method from an instance
ofan object
- The process to be executed in parallel. Should be supplied as module.class.method (if belonging to a class) or module.method.
- Contains all necessary input parameters for the ‘function’.
- Keyword arguments for the ‘function’.